상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

지방자치단체 공무원의 로컬 거버넌스 인식 구조 분석:




                                      지방자치단체 공무원의 로컬 거버넌스 인식 구조 분석:
                                      충주시와 홍천군 공무원을 중심으로*

전 영 상
This paper is to survey and analyze the cognitions and the attitudes of local public
servants in Chungju city and Hongcheon county about local governance with the
structural equation model. The exogenous latent variables used understanding and
studies, socializations, NGO-experiences, open-culture, the structural reform of organization,
the leadership of local government heads. The endogenous latent variables used the
supporting extent of governance, public servant's roles, obligations. Results of the
analysis are the following: 1) the local public servants’ understanding of local
governance is very lack, 2) NGO-experiences are very few, 3) socialization is the
widest influence factor and open-culture do the second, 4) the leadership of local
government heads don’t influence any endogenous latent. As a result of the analysis,
the following are proposed: 1) the opportunities of education-study and NGO-experience
of local governance have to increased, 2) cognitions of local governance are improved
with the reformation of organizational structure and the formation of open-collaboration
culture, 3) the wise and flexible leadership of the local government head is needed
because the excessive external-environment-oriented-inclinations of the local government
head influence negatively on public servants’ cognition of local government about local
* 이 논문은 건국대학교 KU연구전임 프로그램에 의해서 수행된 과제임.
주 제 어 : 로컬 거버넌스, 지방공무원, 공무원 인식, 태도, 구조방정식모형
Key words : Local Governance, Local Government Officer, Public Servant's Cognitions, Public
Servant's Attitudes,


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