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현대경제연구원 2019 다보스경제포럼 보고서

경제/다보스포럼 (세계경제포럼)

by 소나무맨 2019. 12. 13. 11:52


What do refugees really need from those who want to help? A refugee explains

An aerial view shows recently constructed houses at the Kakuma refugee camp in Turkana county, northwest of Nairobi, Kenya, January 31, 2018
Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, home to 168,000 people - including the author
Image: REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

현대경제연구원_2019년 다보스 포럼의 주요 내용과 시사점.hwp

현대경제연구원_2019년 다보스 포럼의 주요 내용과 시사점.hwp

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