[Rio+20] 리우+20 회의 결과문 최종본(영문) | ||||
작성자 | 전국협의회 | 작성일 | 2012-06-29 | |
이메일 | sdkoreaorg | 조회 | 1781 | |
The future we want
1. Our common vision (1~13)
2. Renewing political commitment
A. Reaffirming the Rio Principles and past action plans (14~18)
B. Advancing integration, implementation and coherence: assessing the
progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of
the major summits on sustainable development and addressing new and emerging
challenges (19~41)
C. Engaging major groups and other stakeholders (42~55)
3. Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty
eradication (56~74)
4. Institutional framework for sustainable development
A. Strengthening the three dimensions of sustainable development
B. Strengthening intergovernmental arrangements for sustainable
development (77~86)
C. Environmental pillar in the context of sustainable development
D. International financial institutions and United Nations operational
activities (91~96)
E. Regional, national, subnational and local lovels (97~103)
5. Framework for action and follow-up
A. Thematic areas and cross-sectoral issues (104~244)
B. Sustainable development goals (245~251)
6. Means of implementation (252)
A. Finance (253~268)
B. Technology (269~276)
C. Capacity-building (277~280)
D. Trade (281~282)
E. Registry of commitments (283)
* 결과문 전문 : 첨부파일
The Future We Want_final리우 20 회의 결과문 최종본(영문).pdf
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